SpryStep® Max

SpryStep® Max

Knee support: anterior carbon structure that supports and guides the knee towards extension, helps weakened plantar flexors for propulsion and maintains the knee during stance phase.
Stability: the rigidity of the structure combined with the flexibility of the sole, offers a great stability while allowing the gait cycle.
Strength and lightness: composite structure, lightweight and durable, designed with a specific material combination and a precise manufacturing process.
Practicality: lateral position of the strut, anterior to the malleolus allows an easy insertion into the shoe.
Anatomical adjustment: trimmable insole for an optimal comfort.

Available in right or left model.


These indications are biomechanical deficits of neurological, traumatic or muscular origin.
Weak dorsiflexors.
Foot slap.
Pain in movement towards dorsiflexion.
Mild spasticity of the foot and ankle.
Mild, moderate or severe knee instability during stance phase.
Quadriceps weakness.
Excessive knee flexion during stance phase (secondary to weak plantarflexors).
Partial foot amputation transmetatarsal or more distal.
SpryStep® Max is intended for patient with lower strength and lower activity level only ( house hold ambulators / short distances / step too gait).


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